You’ll Struggle to Spot the Four Circles in This Image Without Feeling a Bit Dizzy
This brain-teasing optical illusion is circulating online today.
Give it a glance:
Seriously, give this image a closer look. There are four circles hidden within it (and yes, exactly four.)
Can you spot them?
They are indeed present:
There are only four circles here and they don’t touch. C’mon brain you can do this.
— Kyle Hill (@Sci_Phile) December 19, 2014

Twitter/Business Insider
Now do you see them?

We didn’t think so.
Here’s why you have a headache trying to find the circles looking at this photo, dubbed the “Intertwining Illusion.”
It’s actually the tilt of the squares in the photo that are throwing off your peripheral vision. Even though the squares form rings, it’s the tilt of those squares that creates the illusion of a spiral.
“The offset between the black squares in one ring with the black squares in neighboring rings also creates the perception of a spiral, as does the offset between the white squares in adjacent rings,” explains