Believe It or Not News

Bank Robbery Thwarted by Customer Who Mistook Gun for Banana

THESSALONIKI, GREECE – In an unbelievable turn of events, a bank robbery was foiled yesterday after a customer mistook the robber’s gun for a banana. Witnesses and security footage confirm that the suspect, wearing a ski mask and dark sunglasses, entered First National Bank at noon and approached the teller with a handgun.

However, chaos turned into confusion when 74-year-old Martha Higgins, a customer standing in line, approached the would-be robber. “I thought the poor man was holding a banana and hadn’t had his lunch,” Higgins explained. “I was trying to tell him that eating in the bank was not allowed.”

As Higgins reached for the “banana,” the startled robber hesitated, giving bank security enough time to intervene. “It was surreal,” stated bank manager Tom Clarkson. “One moment we’re experiencing a robbery, the next, Mrs. Higgins is scolding him about bank decorum over a fruit.”

The robber, identified as 22-year-old Freddy Jones, was apprehended at the scene without further incident. “I didn’t know whether to be scared or laugh,” admitted teller Jessica Milford. “Mrs. Higgins was more upset about the supposed eating than the robbery.”

Jones is currently being held on charges of attempted robbery and causing public disturbance. His lawyer declined to comment, though insider sources suggest that a defense revolving around dietary misunderstandings is unlikely.

Local police praised Higgins for her inadvertent heroism, though they advised the public not to engage with armed individuals directly. “While we commend Mrs. Higgins for her role in defusing the situation, we remind everyone that it’s safer to observe and report rather than confront,” Police Chief Linda Hartley stated.

The community has rallied around Higgins, hailing her as the “Banana Hero.” A local bakery has even created a banana-themed pastry in her honor. “It’s all a bit much,” Higgins said, laughing. “I just didn’t want anyone eating in the bank.”

This bizarre incident has captured the attention of the internet, with many social media users joking that perhaps all robbers should carry fruit as a less threatening alternative. In Thessaloniki, at least, bananas are now seen not only as a healthy snack but also a symbol of unintentional crime prevention.

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